W.H. Henley, N.A. Siegfried, and J.M. Ramsey, “Spatially Isolated Reactions in a Complex Array: Using Magnetic Beads to Purify and Quantify Nucleic Acids with Digital and Quantitative real-time PCR in Thousands of Parallel Microwells” Lab on a Chip, 20, 1771 (2020).
R.H. Schotzinger, L.D. Menard, and J.M. Ramsey, “Single-Molecule DNA Extension in Rectangular and Square Profile Nanochannels in the Extended de Gennes Regime” Macromolecules, 53, 1950 (2020).
W.M. Gilliland Jr. and J.M. Ramsey, “Development of a Microchip CE-HPMS Platform for Cell Growth Monitoring” Anal. Chem., 90, 13000 (2018).
W.M. Gilliland Jr., J.S. Mellors, and J.M. Ramsey, “Coupling Microchip Electrospray Ionization Devices with High Pressure Mass Spectrometry” Anal. Chem., 89, 13320 (2017).
W.H. Henley, Y. He, J.S. Mellors, N.G. Batz, J.M. Ramsey and J.W. Jorgenson, “High Resolution Separations of Charge Variants and Disulfide Isomers of Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody Drug Conjugates using Ultra-high Voltage Capillary Electrophoresis with High Electric Field Strength” J. Chromatogr. A, 1523, 72 (2017).
H. Chun, P.J. Dennis, E.R. Ferguson Welch, J.P. Alarie, J.W. Jorgenson, and J.M. Ramsey, “Development of a Conductivity-based Photothermal Absorbance Detection Microchip using Polyelectrolytic Gel Electrodes” J. Chromatogr. A, 1523, 140 (2017).
J. Zhou, Y. Wang, L.D. Menard, S. Panyukov, M. Rubinstein, and J.M. Ramsey, “Enhanced Nanochannel Translocation and Localization of Genomic DNA Molecules using Three-dimensional Nanofunnels”, Nature Communications, 8, Article number: 807 (2017)
J.C. Gaiteri, W.H. Henley, N.A. Siegfried, T.H. Linz, and J.Michael Ramsey, “Use of Ice Nucleating Proteins for Improved Performance of Freeze Thaw Valves in Microfluidic Devices,” Anal. Chem., 89, 5998 (2017).
T.H. Linz, W.H. Henley, and J.M. Ramsey, “Photobleaching Kinetics-based Bead Encoding for Multiplexed Bioassays,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 1076 (2017).
K.H. Blakeman, C.A. Cavanaugh, W.M. Gilliland Jr., and J. Michael Ramsey, “High Pressure Mass Spectrometry of Volatile Organic Compounds with Ambient Air Buffer Gas”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 31, 27 (2017).
K.H. Blakeman, D.W. Wolfe, C.A. Cavanaugh, and J. Michael Ramsey, “High Pressure Mass Spectrometry: The Generation of Mass Spectra at Operating Pressures Exceeding 1 Torr in a Microscale Cylindrical Ion Trap”, Anal. Chem., 88, 5378 (2016).
E.A. Redman, M. Ramos-Payán, J.S. Mellors, and J. Michael Ramsey, “Analysis of Hemoglobin Glycation using Microfluidic CE-MS: A Rapid, Mass Spectrometry Compatible Method for Assessing Diabetes Management,” Anal. Chem., 88, 5324 (2016).
E.A. Redman, J.S. Mellors, J.A. Starkey, and J.M. Ramsey, “Characterization of Intact Antibody Conjugate Variants using Microfluidic CE-MS,” Anal. Chem., 88, 2220 (2016).
W.A. Black, B.B. Stocks, J.S. Mellors, J.R. Engen, and J.M. Ramsey, “Utilizing Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis Electrospray Ionization for Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 87, 6280 (2015).
E.A. Redman, N.G. Batz, J.S. Mellors and J.M. Ramsey, “Integrated Microfluidic Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Ionization Devices with Online MS Detection for the Separation and Characterization of Intact Monoclonal Antibody Variants,” Anal. Chem., 87, 2264 (2015).
N.G. Batz, J.S. Mellors, J.P. Alarie, and J.M. Ramsey, “Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aminopropyl Silanes in Microfluidic Channels for Highly Efficient Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 86, 3493 (2014).
S. Nie, W.H. Henley, S.E. Miller, H. Zhang, K.M. Mayer, P.J. Dennis, E.A. Oblath, J.P. Alarie, Y. Wu, F.G. Oppenheim, F.F. Little, A.Z. Uluer, P. Wang, J.M. Ramsey and D.R. Walt, “An Automated Integrated Platform for Rapid and Sensitive Multiplexed Protein Profiling using Human Saliva Samples,” Lab on a Chip, 14, 1087 (2014).
V. Iancu, X. Zhang, T-H. Kim, L.D. Menard, P.R.C. Kent, M.E. Woodson, J.M. Ramsey, A-P. Li, and H.H. Weitering, “Polaronic transport and current blockades in epitaxial silicide nanowires and nanowire arrays,” Nano Letters, 13, 3684 (2013).
C.L. Cusack, V. Swahari, W.H. Henley, J.M. Ramsey, and M. Deshmukh, “Distinct Pathways Mediate Axon Degeneration during Apoptosis and Axon-Specific Pruning,” Nature Comm., 4, 1 (2013).
R.A. Hunter, B.J. Privett, W.H. Henley, E.R. Breed, Z. Liang, R. Mittal, B P. Yoseph, J.E. McDunn, E.M. Burd, C.M. Coopersmith, J.M. Ramsey, and M.H. Schoenfisch, “Microfluidic Amperometric Sensor for Analysis of Nitric Oxide,” Anal. Chem., 85, 6066 (2013).
J.S. Mellors, W.A. Black, A.G. Chambers, J.A. Starkey, N.A. Lacher and J.M. Ramsey, “Hybrid Capillary/Microfluidic System for Comprehensive Online Liquid Chromatography-Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospary Ionization-Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 85, 4100 (2013).
E.A. Oblath, W.H. Henley, J.P. Alarie and J.M. Ramsey, “A Microfluidic Chip Integrating DNA Extraction and Real-time PCR for the Detection of Bacteria in Saliva,” Lab on a Chip, 13, 1325 (2013).
N.C. Dobes, R. Dhopeshwarkar, W. H. Henley, J. M. Ramsey, C. E. Sims and N. L. Allbritton, “Laser-based Directed Release of Array Elements for Efficient Collection into Targeted Microwells,” Analyst, 138, 831 (2013).
L.D. Menard and J.M. Ramsey, “Electrokinetically-Driven Transport of DNA through Focused Ion Beam Milled Nanofluidic Channels,” Anal. Chem., 85, 1146 (2013).
W.H. Henley and J.M. Ramsey, “High Electric Field Strength Two-Dimensional Peptide Separations Using a Microfluidic Device,” Electrophoresis, 33, 2718 (2012).
L.D. Menard, C.E. Mair, M.E. Woodson, J.P. Alarie and J. M. Ramsey, “A Device for Performing Lateral Conductance Measurements on Individual Double-Stranded DNA Molecules,” ACS Nano, 6, 9087 (2012).
J.R. SooHoo, J.K. Herr, J.M. Ramsey, and G.M. Walker, “Microfluidic Cytometer for the Characterization of Cell Lysis,” Anal. Chem., 84, 2195 (2012).
W.H. Henley, P.J. Dennis, and J.M. Ramsey, “Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices Containing Patterned Microwell Arrays,” Anal. Chem., 84, 1776 (2012).
A.G. Chambers and J.M. Ramsey, “Microfluidic Dual Emitter Electrospray Ionization Source for Accurate Mass Measurements,” Anal. Chem., 84, 1446 (2012).
D. Dutta and J.M. Ramsey, “A microfluidic device for performing pressure-driven separations,” Lab on a Chip, 11, 3081 (2011).
A. D. Hargis, J.P. Alarie and J.M. Ramsey, “Characterization of cell lysis events on a microfluidic device for high-throughput single cell analysis,” Electrophoresis, 32, 3172 (2011).
A.G. Chambers, J. Scott Mellors, W.H. Henley and J.M. Ramsey “Monolithic Integration of Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Capillary Electrophoresis and Electrospray Ionization on a Microfluidic Device,” Anal. Chem., 83, 842 (2011).
L.D. Menard and J.M. Ramsey, “Fabrication of Sub-5 nm Nanochannels in Insulating Substrates Using Focused Ion Beam Milling,” Nano Lett., 11, 512 (2011).
H. Chun, T.D. Chung and J.M. Ramsey “High Yield Sample Preconcentration Using a Highly Ion-Conductive Charge-Selective Polymer,” Anal. Chem., 82, 6287 (2010).
P.J. Dennis, E. Ferguson Welch, J.P. Alarie, J.M. Ramsey and J.W. Jorgenson “Development of a Photothermal Absorbance Detector for the Use with Microfluidic Devices,” Anal. Chem., 82, 4063 (2010).
J.S. Mellors, K. Jorabchi, L.M. Smith and J.M. Ramsey, “Integrated Microfluidic Device for Automated Single Cell Analysis Using Electrophoretic Separation and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 82, 967 (2010).
D. Branton, D.W. Deamer, A. Marziali, H. Bayley, S.A. Benner, T. Butler, M.D. Ventra, S. Garaj, A. Hibbs, X. Huang, S.B. Jovanovich, P.S. Krstic, S. Lindsay, X.S. Ling, C.H. Mastrangelo, A. Meller, J.S. Oliver, Y.V. Pershin, J.M. Ramsey, R. Riehn, G.V. Soni, V. Tabard-Cossa, M. Wanunu, M. Wiggin, J.A. Schloss, “The potential and challenges of nanopore sequencing,” Nature Biotechnology, 26, 1146 (2008).
J.S. Mellors, V. Gorbounov, R.S. Ramsey, and J.M. Ramsey, “Fully Integrated Glass Microfluidic Device for Performing High-Efficiency Capillary Electrophoresis and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 80, 6881 (2008).
S. Pau, W.B. Whitten, and J.M. Ramsey, “Planar Geometry for Trapping and Separating Ions and Charged Particles,”
Anal. Chem., 79, 6857 (2007).
S. Pau, C.S. Pai, Y.L. Low, J. Moxom, P.T.A. Reilly, W.B. Whitten, and J.M. Ramsey, “Microfabricated Quadrupole Ion Trap for Mass Spectrometer Applications,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 120801 (2006).
Y. J. Liu, R.S. Foote, S.C. Jacobson, and J.M. Ramsey, “Sample Concentration on Microchips by SDS Sweeping and
Stacking ,” Lab Chip, 5, 457 (2005).
C.R. Poulsen, C.T. Culbertson, S.C. Jacobson, and J.M. Ramsey, “Static and Dynamic Acute Cytotoxicity Assays on Microfluidic Devices,” Anal. Chem., 77, 667 (2005).
C.D. Thomas, S.C. Jacobson, and J.M. Ramsey, “Rapid Cycling Pinch Injections on Microfluidic Devices,”
Anal. Chem. 76, 6053 (2004).
W.B. Whitten, P.T.A. Reilly, J.M. Ramsey, “High-pressure Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry,”
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 18, 1749 (2004).
J.D. Ramsey, S.C. Jacobson, C.T. Culbertson, and J.M. Ramsey, “High Efficiency, Two-Dimensional Separations of Protein Digests Using Microfluidic Devices,” Anal. Chem., 75, 3758 (2003).
B.S. Broyles, S.C. Jacobson, and J.M Ramsey, “Sample Filtration, Concentration, and Separation on Microchips,”
Anal. Chem. 75, 2761 (2003).
J. Moxom, P.T.A. Reilly, W.B. Whitten, and J.M. Ramsey, “Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air with a Micro Ion Trap Mass Analyzer,” Anal. Chem., 75, 3739 (2003).
M.A. McClain, C.T. Culbertson, S.C. Jacobson, N.L. Allbritton, C.E. Sims, and J.M. Ramsey, “Microfluidic Devices for the High Throughput Chemical Analysis of Cells,” Anal. Chem., 75, 5646 (2003).
C. Tsouris, C.T. Culbertson, D.W. DePaoli, S.C. Jacobson, and J.M. Ramsey, “Electrohydrodynamic Mixing in Microchannels,” AIChE J, 49, 2181 (2003).
J. Moxom, P.T.A. Reilly, W.B. Whitten, and J.M. Ramsey, “Double Resonance Ejection in a Micro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer,” Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 16, 755 (2002).